I’m traveling to Los Angeles this weekend to try and do the impossible, aka find a nice apartment, so I’m going to leave you all with some wonderful fan fiction to bide the lack of posting this weekend. This week’s Fan Fiction Friday contains one story for those of you who subsists on angst and pain and another for those who love fluff with their agnst. Check it out! Check it out!

Desolate by Vague_Shadows (Tumblr user PackDontEndWithBlood)

This mess is the most painful fic I have ever read in my life, but so damn good. Desolate sees Stiles returning back to Beacon Hills after being kidnapped, turned and tortured by the alphas. There’s some seriously brutal stuff in here with Stiles having to override some serious alpha conditioning, violence and angst but the writing is phenomenal. The writer seamlessly weaves past and present, as well as the mindset of the characters so amazingly well. This fic is also notable in that the end ship is Stiles, Derek AND Isaac, with some interesting stops along the way.

Losers by Stilinskisparkles

I never thought nerd!Derek would work if Stiles wasn’t also one but this fic was so easy to get into. It’s a college human AU but with ties to Beacon Hills and lacrosse. The writing just flows effortlessly and the character relationships are remixed and yet still feel like the same old characters we love. Also the pay off is great.