This week Hannah and Elijah get a new roommate, Adam and Jessa develop this unorthodox way of being in a relationship…while Ray is worried about a rival coffee business…Elijah finds a little romance and Hannah gets an unexpected call from her father and rushes to the rescue.

Hannah (Lena Dunham) is sleeping over at Fran’s (Jake Lacy) and she suddenly wakes up because someone is making a lot of noise…she wakes up Fran telling him that someone is breaking in and both get up to find his roommate Jacob acting all sorts of weird. Hannah calls him crazy and he goes off at Hannah and this totally creates a problem. The next morning Hannah and Fran are having breakfast at her place and guess what? He’s gonna be living there now…Elijah (Andrew Rannells) walks in asking if they are going to work and makes out with Hannah, while Fran just stares saying that really isn’t cool. Hannah tells him that her and Elijah are in a, “very specific relationship and need to express themselves”

Adam (Adam Driver) is at his sister’s place visiting and he looks so uncomfortable because Caroline (Gaby Hoffman) is breastfeeding his niece, while Laird (Jon Glaser) is making her breakfast. I always enjoy seeing scenes with the Sackler siblings because you know it will be good. Caroline hands off the baby to Adam (and I just about died…because Adam Driver holding a baby)…Laird tells Adam that he should have a kid and he says maybe…which leads to Adam asking Laird if he’s ever had feelings for someone but that the situation is complex…Laird says yes and that if he has ever heard of a little lady called Hannah Horvath.

Ray (Alex Karpovsky) and Elijah are discussing the new coffee shop across the street called Helvetica (that’s right folks this place is called after a font) and how Elijah needs to stop drinking their coffee and that he can’t fraternize with the enemy or endorse their product because yep Elijah is drinking coffee from the competitor…and also Ray needs for these people to use coffee lids, because the people just come to take lids from him.

Jessa (Jemima Kirke) is at her AA meeting when she turns and sees Adam just staring at her…seriously Adam you looked like a total creeper in this scene, but so hilarious…as she is leaving Adam scares her and then tells her that they need to talk about what happened with them kissing. Jessa just wants to pretend like it never happened, but he doesn’t and tells her that he knows she feels something for him and that she is hiding behind her accent (I swear I just love Adam). Jessa tells him that nothing can happen between them because Hannah is her friend and it would be shitty if they got together. Adam mentions that they can be friends and she agrees.

Hannah is teaching her class and discussing Goodbye Columbus by Phillip Roth, when the principal walks in that tells her she has an urgent call from someone that is crying…she picks up and it’s her dad…while the principal is telling her that book is inappropriate for these middle school kids…she needs to leave to go see her dad. Back to Ray, he goes to check out his competition telling one of the worker’s there that they need to have lids for their coffee they sell because their customers just come in to Ray’s to get the lids. Ray of course offends one of the workers because he think she’s a he…and calls him a white man and repeatedly tells him to leave.

Hannah finally arrives to the hotel her dad Tad (Peter Scolari) is at and asks him why is he here…he mentions to her that he came to the city because he met someone online…he starts crying again and tells him that he left his wallet at the person’s place and wants to know if Hannah can go get it. Loreen (Becky Ann Baker) calls Hannah and wants to know if she knows where Tad is and she tells her that he is with her…then tells Hannah that she wants to get a divorce…Hannah upset tells him they are gonna go get his wallet and she meets Keith her father’s booty call and he mentions they just kissed and to tell her dad he says hello as she leaves.

Jessa and Adam go to a carnival and have an amazing time (loved these scenes between the two characters) as they are walking back to Jessa’s place she tells Adam she had a great time…he wants to kiss her goodbye but she pulls away because they are friends and even if they got together and no Hannah existed she would destroy him and the same would go with him…that both would destroy each other. Adam is about to hand her the fish they won at the carnival when it’s dead and she uses that example of the dead fish as them being together. Adam comes up with a solution that they can be together, but just not touch each other…she agrees and then we see them both sitting away from each other getting off…while trying not to look at each other but of course that doesn’t work and just keep staring at each other (I swear this scene guys I was like OMG)

Back to Hannah and her dad, she finds out that her father had unprotected sex and she calls Elijah saying that she needs him asap…he tells Ray he needs to leave because of a gay emergency. Hannah asks her dad where is he gonna stay now and he tells her home…but Hannah mentions to him that earlier Loreen had mentioned she wanted a divorce. Elijah finally gets there, but sees through the window that both Hannah and Tad are crying their feelings out and he’s just like nope and keeps walking. Elijah at some bar when the bartender hands him a drink that someone bought for him and he looks it’s a famous news anchor (hello there Corey Stoll)…they hit it off and as he leaves he kisses Elijah and hands him his business card.

Hannah and Tad are walking and he tells her that he doesn’t know what to do anymore. She tells him not to worry and that she will always be there for him and you could see how this is totally breaking her heart…as the scene fades to black and that’s it folks until next week.