New episode of Shadowhunters, new recap! This week’s episode was a slight step back from last week but still a great episode.

Ok so there were some moments in this episode that were so crazy that my roommate actually uttered words on praise towards the episode (particularly when that dude slit his throat rather than tell on Valentine!). It’s a miracle cause he begrudgingly watched the first season and has actually liked the first two episodes. He, and I, was really high on the kinetic energy of this episode. There’s about 3 storylines and locations happening at the same time and the show handled it very well. Last season at least one of those elements would have fallen flat.

Speaking of things that are great, I LOVED the moment of Clary walking through NYC. The juxtaposition of her bright orange red hair with the normality of the surroundings and her walking the opposite direction of everyone else, was wonderful.

I want to retitle this episode “Drag HA!” cause everyone was getting their reads in. Alec dragged the fuck out of Clary by telling her that everything has gone downhill since she arrived (which is true!) and Luke dragged the hell out of Clary’s mama about her being shifty and not forth coming with information.

Magnus and Simon teaming up to find Camile was an episode highlight. Watching Simon struggle to, and then finally figure out how to encanto something, was nice. I also loved that Magnus said that he wanted to help Simon cause when he was younger he didn’t have anybody. #teamDownworlder Also, why is Maggypoo so concerned about that dagger? They better not be foreshadowing some Subtle Knife type foolery.

Before I get to this next point, let me say I’m not complaining about shirtless Matthew Daddario at all. I appreciate the visual. I do think it’s slightly silly that anything that has to do with parabatai and runes that he has to be completely shirtless in order to do things. Like he can’t just lift up his shirt to access the rune? Now with that out of the way, I’m so excited to potentially more of bb!Alec and bb!Jace, although Alec does not look to be in a good way.

My Thoughts in Order
-jace feels set up and the arrow didn’t do shit; papa knows that he’s right cause jace didn’t kill him
-new negro drags lydia
-“you’re the only person I can trust” DONT LISTEN SIMON
-flashback with baby jonathan killing flowers
-simon gets interviewed by aldtree
-banning from seeing friends. that’s it?
-Alec and Clary DRAG HA! bout time
-valentine has been stealing athletes
-why is clary being so damn loud
-woe is me clary but izzy is a good friend
-Luke is getting these fools in line
-Raphael is back! makes him go find camille
-GREAT visual of clary walking down the street
-izzy bout to fuck this dude up
-simon goes to magnus for help, takes
-dude slits his own throat rather than give up valentine!
-clary goes to brooklyn academy of art
-DRAG HA! Luke
-clearly a cgi location but love magnus and simon, magnus gives simon a pep talk
-meanwhile clary is drawing and struggling with identity
-clary goes with Dot and is now on the boat
-simon and this damn snake
-clace moment on the boat, then fuck ass valentine shows up
-snakes breathes fire! simon masters encanto!
-shirtless again and izzy doesn’t want alec to die
-magnus backstory, he’s gonna help simon, where the fuck are the vamps
-they are interrogating a wolf
-where were y’all going to go?
-the fight choreography is so much better
-LAWD they both bout to die and aww baby alec and jace
-he stabbed the wolf!