Even though I have spent my entire summer so far SANS job and can’t find one anywhere, I have surprisingly not gone insane. Sure there was the occasional “louder than normal inside voice” conversation with my parents (who hasn’t) and there was my brief dalliance with possibly taking a MUCH needed vacay to NYC or L.A., neither of which panned out…but these would make excellent topics in a one act play hmm…

So how, you wonder, did I not going crazy? I simply refocused my attention to the things of a more introspective nature. By the end of the summer, I will have read more books than I had the ENTIRE YEAR while at Georgia Tech. I have also embarked on several other feats, such as contemplating myself aka expanding my horizons and teaching myself how to read and write music because I have the perfect score and story for a musical!
But one of the most important tasks I have undertaken has been my writing. It has been no secret to those who read my 30 things on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=52505027987, that I am aspiring to finish several written works by the end of the year. I am currently hard at work on my first novel and having completed 96+ pages, it is the longest work I have ever seen through and I plan on continuing it. 🙂 It is a humongous ordeal, but if I can deal with a Georgia Tech engineering cirriculum, I can certainly see a passion project through to its end.
With that said, I have decided to start a new series on my blog called the College Essay series, which will highlight some of the works I have turned in for my English classes, as well as some longer blog/essay entries that I will be debuting here.
All in all, I look forward to the comments and feedback.