We are almost at the halfway point of the third season of Teen Wolf and tonight’s episode titled “Frayed” really upped the ante for what the show is trying to do this season. Micah and I do our best to wade through the waters of this flashback heavy episode to talk about how awesome Lydia is, marvel at Angela Harvey’s writing prowess and what’s next for all these characters. 


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3 thoughts on “Demon Wolfcast Episode 5: “Frayed””

  1. I’ll get the Jenerek thoughts out of the way first, haha. I’ve made peace with the ship; just gonna see where it goes, but it’s clear with how fast they are progressing with this relationship, that it’s not gonna end well? It’s really troubling, though, how of all the Jenerek scenes, only one has Derek not being bloody and clawed-up and dying and in his most vulnerable state. Also I’m not feeling the whole “you saved my life, let me give you a kiss as a reward. And maybe some sex” going on in the next episode. But we’ll see! I hope I’m wrong!

    Jennifer will definitely be more than a love interest; nothing is so simple on this show (i.e look at Matt) and I’m looking forward to really knowing who her character is, outside of her relationship with Derek. I’m crossing my fingers that she turns out to be good, but I have a feeling she might be linked to the wayward druid? But I’m convinced that Jeff is throwing the Jenerek ship in our faces to distract us from other things!

    I don’t believe in all those redeemable Peter stuff, so I think Peter is only concerned for Derek because of his own agenda. He probably still needs Derek for his future sinister plans or something. Cora, though…. I’m really not sure. I feel like she’s definitely in leagues with the Alpha pack, but not buddies with them. But she’s still genuinely worried about Derek, even though she still has her own agenda for that too. It’ll be interesting if maybe Cora found out about Derek’s relationship with Kate and blames him for the fire?

    I want Kate to come back! I love Kate.

    I love how Scott is coming into his power on his own, without needing to kill anyone for power. He’s definitely growing into a leader, and a better one than Derek, sorry. Can’t wait to see where it goes.

    Loved Allison and Lydia and Stiles’ creepy smile in this episode. Like you guys, I’m super pumped for Allison’s arc this season. I’m a little weirded out by how only Scott seems to be genuinely saddened by Derek’s ‘death’. Same for how no one other than Boyd seems to remember Erica. They better have a good explanation for this!! (Issac, also, seems more hurt by the mystery girl’s death than Erica’s death.)

    I love Morrell! I don’t understand why you don’t like her, haha! I’ve always thought that she was kinda a double agent of some sorts because she interacts with each person differently. She doesn’t specifically belong to any group; she’s her own person and has her own agenda. Jeff mentioned that she ‘thinks she’s doing the right thing’, so we’ll see! (I feel like she could be our wayward druid too.)

    Deaton is fantastic this season, I love that we’re finally getting to know him! It didn’t come as a surprise to me at all that Morrell and Deaton are related; they’ve always behaved similarly, being a fan of the cryptic advice-giving and their emphasis on certain words when speaking. I wonder if mystery girl is also linked to them? Because she speaks in a similar way too. Maybe she’s a disciple!

    Maybe the clinic was Deaton’s territory or something? So no one else could enter unless he granted them permission to? Like some gatekeeper of sorts. I don’t know, man. I’m weak in mythology and supernatural shows.

    Well this was long. Guess I’m that bored at work.

    1. Yeah I recently read a meta on tumblr regarding the “Doomed” ship that makes me take a more relaxed stance but every week those scenes are just thrown in and it’s like why? I would be fine with more interactions like last episode in the classroom but I guess after meeting 4 times they’re gonna have sex and I’m just going to have to deal lol
      Here’s the link: http://chasingshhadows.tumblr.com/post/54467167795/ive-been-thinking-a-lot-about-derek-hale-this

      I love to hate Morrell especially now that she’s Deaton’s brother. She should know better than to act this way haha.

      I don’t think Peter is particularly redeemable, but I do think he can be less evil. I’m just really intrigued by how little info we’ve gotten on him this season. Like he mentions to Cora about not being a fan of things unaccounted and I’m like your entire plot line is unaccounted for!

  2. Okay, I’m going to start this out by saying: Morell & Deaton being siblings made. my. life.

    I have SUCH FEELINGS about siblings that are on “opposite sides” – and I use that in quotations because who even knows what Morell’s endgame is? – you guys just don’t even know how much I love that. All the love in the world, really.

    As far as Boyd being the only one to lose control/not have complete control, I don’t think that’s true.

    Isaac’s definitely shown that he has very little control over his instincts, too. Which makes sense because Boyd & Isaac are the newest wolves. They won’t have Scott’s control and they definitely won’t have a born wolf’s control.

    When Jeff was talking about no longer showing that loss of control, I think he was referring specifically to the full moon’s pull. That HAS been played out over the past two seasons.

    Now it’s all about Boyd & Isaac learning to control their emotional states in high stress situations, which is exactly where they’re always losing control at.

    Boyd lost control on the bus because not only did the Alpha Pack take away Erica but now they’ve supposedly killed his (old?) Alpha and he just can’t stop himself.

    And Isaac. Well, besides the Alpha twins triggering him during detention, Isaac seems to mostly lose control when it comes to Scott; I’m sure you’re ecstatic about that, Terence. 😉

    I’m counting punching Ethan out as a loss of control, too, even though he doesn’t wolf out, because that FELT like a loss of control.

    And now for Jenerek: “Her reactions to Derek are a hundred percent justified; if you were in that situation you’d react that way, too.”

    I definitely agree with this. Mysterious beautiful man saves your life and then comes back to check on you, you’d definitely develop a crush on him. Whether or not those feelings are actually the truth remain to be seen. (Kedreeva has a term for what it could possible be but I can’t think of it right now; the something bridge effect?)

    I have no problems with Ms. Blake or her reactions to Derek, all my problems – like you, Terence – come in with Derek and his weird-ass decision making. I would be here for this temporary (because we all know it’s going to be temporary) pairing if they gave me an actual story between them.

    But basically all of your feels are my feels, so I won’t go anymore into that.

    Great podcast, you guys, you know how I love it. <33

    PS. Leave the Q&As alone, I love them. 😛

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