Burning the midnight oil over here at the Demon Wolfcast, but I wanted to post this ASAP because well…it’s kind of an epic podcast. Micah and I breakdown Teen Wolf episode 3.11 titled “Alpha Pact” and whew do we (more me) have some strong words for an episode that sees Derek make a big choice, Scott, Stiles and Allison meet darkness and the parents share some deep moments. Check it out!


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7 thoughts on “Demon Wolfcast Episode 11: “Alpha Pact””

  1. A about the argents what I got out of that was that the family was the more famous of the werewolf hunters

  2. Ugh. I agreed with practically everything you said on the Derek situation (again). Lord, Peter. I just don’t know what or how to feel about him. Part of me thinks he’s trying to shank Derek in the back for power and a tiny part of me thinks he might be trying to be on the level a bit with Derek. I’m not sure that Peter is happy about the idea of Scott being a “true alpha” instead of a Hale. Could Derek’s sacrifice of his Alpha spark for Cora be some way for him to rise as a true alpha as well? Especially since Scott now will have that heart of darkness malarkey to deal with? Maybe that was the reason that Peter FINALLY told both sides of the story or is Peter again going to screw his nephew over? Also, now that Derek is a beta, WHO IS HIS ALPHA? Cora? Scott? Does his sacrifice automatically mean that the person he gave it to is now the alpha? I don’t know that they expressly explained that. I really will spit nails if Derek becomes Scott’s beta. I’m still confused as to what on Earth Scott has done to make him worthy of being a alpha anyway?

    I’m all for a more BAMF!Stiles, so please bring on the magic! Stydia is the worst. I much preferred their blossoming friendship. Still unsure of what exactly Jennifer and Deucalion’s endgames are. This season has been a clusterf*ck all around with little to no direction. I asked myself why I watch this show as well because Derek’s situation is so dire that it will be near impossible to bring him to any semblance of emotional rightness and I feel so acutely for him. The 3A finale is shaping up to be totally frustrating already with the amount of “WHAT?” that’s left to be answered in 41 minutes!

  3. I think Mama Hale only took their memories of where to find the tree, not of the actual tree/root cellar itself, so Derek would still remember Paige.

  4. I will have to note, as someone who has ‘hyperventilated’…weirdly enough, the key really IS to slow down breathing (stopping, if you can, but…) You FEEL like you’re not getting enough air, but what’s really happening is you’re breathing TOO fast, and the key is less oxygen.

    Yeah, seems counter-intuitive, but it’s actually true.

  5. ^ Although I’m sure it’s different for everyone, I was a ‘hyperventilator’ as a kid, and my mom would always just hold her hand tight over my nose and mouth for several seconds, essentially making me hold my breath. When she would remove her hand, I would take a deep breath and it always worked.

  6. I’m pissed that no one even suggested taking Cora to Deaton. It’s like Cora’s whole purpose as a character is Hale feels and creating a situation that forces Derek back to a beta.

    Short of Derek winning a battle in the next episode and possibly getting his alpha powers back, the only good thing Derek is going to carry over into the next half season is Stiles. Regardless of if they take the romantic step, it is undeniable that Stiles and Derek have become a lot closer and care about each other.

    A theory I proposed to Kedreeva was if the spark that Stiles/emissaries have is somehow compatible with the spark that made Derek an alpha and if Stiles could help Derek become an alpha again through his spark. You could make it more interesting story-wise by adding on conditions (relationship must be close enough or have to have already been an alpha but just lost part of the spark/energy).

    There’s also the part where Peter seemed to have completely drained Derek’s alpha spark down to nothing when he brought himself back to life, so maybe there’s something about the full moon restoring his spark or even a mental thing where Derek thinks he’s a beta so his subconscious isn’t letting his alpha spark replenish itself until he believes he’s an alpha again.

    All I know is that I want him back up to being an alpha again and for him to find some happiness and get away from this depression he’s in.

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