Welcome to the finale of my 2016 in Review! Man it almost felt like I would never get here but finally I am at the end. Oscar nominations are set to go out on Tuesday and before all get set to talk about snubs and the such, let us rejoice in the best moments from the film year. I present to you the top 25 film scenes of 2016.
Bomb Scene and Heptapod Concussion Dream, Arrival
Both of these scenes present what makes Arrival a good film. In the first, we are treated to classic Hitchcok with our protagonists in a room with a bomb and a Heptapod who can’t tell them it’s there. In the second, we get a brilliant mix of the real and imaginary as Louise awakes from a concussion and finds out she’s not alone in the room.
First Video, Beyond the Gates
Between Barbra Crompton’s creepy line readings to the strangeness of playing a game with a video, this moment is a chilling throwback.
Nat Preaches at Racist Farm, The Birth of a Nation
An incredibly divisve film sure, but when Nate has the mojo going, The Birth of a Nation soars. Watching Nat preach this sermon and whip the slaves into a fervor despite the brutality he witnessed earlier energizes the movie when it needs it most.
Airport Scene, Captain America: Civil War
Is this THE movie scene of the year? It’s certainly the biggest. The Russo Bros. work a miracle by getting in so many characters moments within a big battle.
Steve Holds onto Helicopter, Captain America: Civil War
The Marvel heroes aren’t really sexualized in the way they could/should be with the exception of Steve Rogers, who is good for one ridiculous HOLY SHIT CHRIS EVANS IS RIPPED moment per film. This scene is necessary but so damn ridiculous.
NYC Battle, Doctor Strange
Chile, the camera moved every which way and the scenery changed and our heroes fought but it was so cool to watch the dimensions shift in 3D.
18 Years of My Life, Fences
Though you see a bit of it in the trailer, nothing compares to watching Viola tear into Troy and the words of August Wilson as she laments the lot she’s been dealt in life.
Get Out of My Friend You Ghost, Ghostbusters
This reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise wasn’t the greatest but when I tell you I can watch this scene on a loop and cackle every time.
No Dames, Hail, Caesar!
The second best musical sequence of the year. Kudos for the gayness (pun intended).
Discussion at End, Hell or High Water
What was a tense western and right after a high stakes shootout, comes this simple yet incredibly poignant moment between criminal and cop, and a better understanding of the world.
Witch and Monkey Battle on Boat, Kubo and the Two Strings
Rooney Mara’s creepy voice work + amazing stop motion animation = a place on this list.
Another Day of Sun, La La Land
Punctuated by one of the best tags you’ll see, this joyous takeover of the 105/110 connector is a sight to watch.
Alton’s First Attack, Midnight Special
Jeff Nichols’ Midnight Special doesn’t give you much in the way of answers for why things are happening, as he’s much more content to let the audience discover them as they go. Watching how Alton’s power work in this first attack was a major wtf moment and set up the journey the film would take.
You’re Welcome, Moana
Who knew the Rock had such a delightful voice? Also bonus points on the blending of 2D and 3D.
Diner Scene, Moonlight
There are so many scenes from this film that one could pick, but this moment of two former friends recalibrating their relationship and themselves was marvelous to watch.
Go See Your Sisters, Other People
The most emotionally devastating moment and one of the best written scenes on this list, the moment where his dying mother tells him how she’s herself in her children and can always come home just wrecked me.
Final Battle, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
The end of this film was certainly inevitable, but what a thrilling way to end a film.
Mama Drags Dad, Sand Storm
I love movies that get you leaning one way then force you to reexamine what you’ve been watching. Sand Storm would have you believe its mother v daughter film, but the simmering tensions of a woman who just wants the best for her daughter burst forth when she yells at her husband for treating her poorly and challenges him to be a real man.
Food Orgy, Sausage Party
Even though the final entry on this list packed a wallop, this for me was the most shocking moment in film this year.
Drive It Like You Stole It, Sing Street
The best musical sequence of the year.
Sabatoge, Star Trek Beyond
Getting to see the crew and their new friend use science and Beastie Boys to blast through and unbeatable force in IMAX at Comic Con was a joy.
Dinner Scene, Take Me to the River
As a fan of Brothers and Sisters, I live for a good dinner table scene and the one here is a doozy, with all the backwoods mennace, sexual politics, and stressful back story that you could shake a stick at.
Director Gives Directions to the Family, Under the Sun
Watching Under the Sun is an experience, as it is many of our’s first time seeing footage of what it’s like in North Korea. This moment, where a director steps in and tells a well meaning family how to better say their propgandist message is integral at breaking down how living in a communist state and propoganda machine is, and jolting the viewers out of our usual experience.
Live Deliciously, The Witch
I kid you not that when I saw The Witch, and Black Phillip spoke as the devil for the first time, I stopped breathing. It’s one of the scariest most shocking moments in a horror film in the last 10 years and a brilliant cap to the list.