Free thoughts on the proceedings of the Critics Choice Awards nominations.
The Good
First Man showing up. I still hate the score, but this movie deserves some love for its other technical elements and the performances of Gosling and Foy.
The TV nominations seem particularly inspired. You’ve got lots of love for One Day at a Time and Miriam Shor made it into Supporting Actress in a Comedy.
The Bad
This might not be “bad” per say but I do wonder if the rapturous love The Favourite has gotten from many critics orgs would be happening if the movie did not star two Oscar winners in Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone. How does that film lead the nominations with 14? Did they just get lazy and nominate it for everything? I should be happy that a movie that centers women is leading the conversation now but this movie just did not move me.
I understand (but don’t agree with) MBJ landing here for Black Panther cause we all know the real acting standout in the supporting actor side is Winston Duke.
As someone in a critics group, I know that it can be really hard to figure out how to go your own way with nominations. That was something easier to do at Awards Circuit where we were a small staff and very friendly. BFCA is a huge voting body so naturally there will be some consensus picks, but it is a bummer that their awards aren’t more out there. Aside from First Man, what movie that hasn’t been a factor is truly represented? You gotta use your power for good.
The Ugly
Nathaniel Rogers, a BFCA member, already wrote up a great piece on how silly it is for the Critics Choice awards nomiantions to be so fluid. Y’all gotta make up your minds on how many nominations categories should have. This 5-8 mess is ridiculous, choose a side!