I’m also 100% here for whatever they’ve got planned for Dr. Deaton and Morrell, who we find out are siblings. *faints* After the big battle, Morrell brings Kali, Aiden and a beaten Ennis to his vets office demanding that he help them. I LIVE for Deaton bitch faces and he all but told them to not let the door hit them where the good Lord split them. Morrell plays Deaton’s Scott heart strings like a fiddle and he acquiesces to their request. He manages to get Ennis stable but Deucalion strolls in with other plans and CRUSHES ENNIS’ FACE IN WITH HIS HANDS. Listen what…I can’t even.

The best scene in this episode, and one of the best scenes ever written for Teen Wolf, was the conversation Cora and Peter had in the abandoned mall. I loved how epically bitchy and fraught with drama it was. Cora basically let’s him know she is NOT here for his sister killing self and Peter lets her know he’s not here for her 6 years of unaccounted time self either. I LOVED how deftly this scene was written. Like you could feel how these two were bonding over being mutually distrustful of the other. It’s kind of twisted and so right for the Hales.


-How insane was this episode? Y’all need to go on Twitter and give kudos to Angela Harvey who wrote the shit out of this episode.
-Dethan finally speaks! They actually said words to each other and flirted! Next week is sexy times.
-That scene with Scott and Allison was so hot. Like when he pushed her up against the door, I thought a fan fiction story was bout to break out.
-Stiles ain’t shit for how he did that dude Jared but it provided me with this fantastic gif so I’m here for it.
tumblr_mp9umioHdz1qixosbo2_500 -Mama Argent is back! I love how they have woven her into the story this season and aren’t shying away from that tough love relationship. Does this mean we could see Kate come back?
-Did anyone get a weird feeling at the whole standoff in Deaton’s office? His whole deal about having to insist they get out reminded me of how vamps need an invitation into your home.
-Furthermore, why couldn’t Morrell just let them in?
-THESE. SCISAAC. SCENES. #jesusbesomefanfiction my god everything about them is perfect. From Isaac telling Scott he’s not going alone to the eye rolling, these two will be the death of me.
-So Kali and Ennis were fucking boos? Man now I’m mad he died. I’d have paid money to see their sexy times.
-Speaking of Ennis’ death, why the fuck did MTV ruin that fucking plot point by having a commercial for the after show and telling us he died?
-And furthermore, Imma need the cast not to tweet about people possibly dying cause I knew it would be Derek after Ian Bohen and Hoechlin tweeted.
-Chile those last two minutes were kind of a mess. It was too neat a wrap up for what happened and the scene with Derek and Ms. Blake was just forced. I might be here for Ms Blake but I cannot take this relationship.
-Line of the Night: “What am I a nun? Put them somewhere useful” Lydia go on head girl I ain’t even mad

2 thoughts on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.05 “Frayed””

  1. I was hella confused. I was pretty sure I had missed like 6 episodes. When did the Argents move?

    All these boys punching each other, and only Lydia and Allison can get things DONE. The girls are ruling this season.

    Stiles really should have given Scott that aisle seat so he didn’t have to climb over him with half of his stomach slashed open. Not good for the healing process.

    Love Jared. Still don’t know which twin is which.

    ‘They’re here.’ ‘Who?’ ‘All of them.’ Love you, Peter, but I think you meant, ‘All of them except for one of them who is going to a track meet.’

    MAMA ARGENT! Thread that needle.

    R.I.P. Ennis. I didn’t know that was your name. Kali 4 Ever. They really missed an opportunity for product placement in this episode. The bus really should have been forced to pull over in a Burger King parking lot or something.

    1. LOL the argents moved before episode 1. And after all that Macys product placement and the dropbox stuff from this season I think we’re due for a break

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