Jesus take the motherfucking wheel this episode of Teen Wolf was all kinds of a mess, in the best ways. Multiple timelines, visions of dead people, brutal fights…chile I don’t even know where to begin. Frayed #minuswell have been the code word for my nerves after this episode cause man I don’t even know what to do. Let’s just dig in.

Scott is suffering from a mortal wound for most of the episode which sets the stage for most of the conflict and flashbacks. We learn that he has sustained the wounds from a brutal fight with the alpha pack which sees everyone beat up and Derek dead! Record Scratch. Bitch what? I had a .00002 second heart attack when Scott said this but then I realized that Derek won’t be dying super soon cause he is in the description for some later episodes. Anyways it is in this battle that we get our first glimpse at the alpha Scott could become when his eyes turn red after a collision with Ennis. It was a brief moment but man I can’t wait to see how they are gonna deal with Scott. He has had many alpha moments this episode, like stopping Boyd from attacking Ethan and being able to call Isaac off, but I’d like to think they are gonna have Scott do some morally dubious things in the name of being good.

Speaking of someone who is doing questionable things, Allison is just the best this season. They are giving Crystal Reed great material and she’s knocking it out of the park. I loved how she stood up to Scott in that foreplay power struggle in her apartment and how badass she was when she showed up at that abandoned mall looking like a cross between Hawkeye and Batgirl. I’m here for this Allison 100%.

2 thoughts on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.05 “Frayed””

  1. I was hella confused. I was pretty sure I had missed like 6 episodes. When did the Argents move?

    All these boys punching each other, and only Lydia and Allison can get things DONE. The girls are ruling this season.

    Stiles really should have given Scott that aisle seat so he didn’t have to climb over him with half of his stomach slashed open. Not good for the healing process.

    Love Jared. Still don’t know which twin is which.

    ‘They’re here.’ ‘Who?’ ‘All of them.’ Love you, Peter, but I think you meant, ‘All of them except for one of them who is going to a track meet.’

    MAMA ARGENT! Thread that needle.

    R.I.P. Ennis. I didn’t know that was your name. Kali 4 Ever. They really missed an opportunity for product placement in this episode. The bus really should have been forced to pull over in a Burger King parking lot or something.

    1. LOL the argents moved before episode 1. And after all that Macys product placement and the dropbox stuff from this season I think we’re due for a break

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