Have you all been watching the tomfoolery that is MTV’s Catfish? Nothing can make you weaker than a good episode of this show and I LIVE for when the show goes off the rails like when Anthony was about to beat Frammel down two weeks ago. Anyways, we often watch these shows and wonder why people get catfished or why someone would catfish someone else. So I thought it would be  good to analyze my biases and figure out what possible benefits I’d want from a Catfish-type relationship.

1. Grad School Tuition: School is expensive and it’d be nice to have that burden off my shoulders.

2. A Mac Desktop: I already have an iphone, ipad, ipod, and a macbook pro…so why not complete the family? Also I want a bigger screen to edit videos on.

3. Rent: LA is expensive even for a studio so I would have no problem asking someone else to pay my bills.

4. Groceries: You can easily ring up $200 a month on food.

5. An HBO Subscription: I LOVE HBO but man is it a pain in the ass to pay for. I’d also settle for someone’s HBO Go passsword.

6. Criterion DVDs: I have become obssessed with this specialty house and am always looking to add to my collection of classic films with cool DVD art.

7. Mondo Posters: I just want someone else to stress over creating an account and buying me amazing movie are. I already think the poster sales they have are a sham so why not have someone else be shammed.

8. Banana Republic Suits: I could have asked for something expensive like Tom Ford but I’m reasonable.

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9. Gas Money: I’m about to move back to California where gas is over $4 a gallon so you better believe I’d ask for some gas money.

10. Awesome Blog Subscribers/Commentors: This one kinda won’t work if I want to keep the Catfish anonymity but it’s a fun thought.