Ladies and gentlemen, here it is, the culmination of a semester worth of work I am finally ready to unveil. Today’s Film School Files is dedicated to the debut of my Prod 500 short film Distractions on the Way to a Workout. A lot of time and effort went into this film and I’m both excited and scared to show the final* product to you guys. Jeremy, a young man in his 20s, has let himself go a bit. A month out of his high school reunion, he wants to tone up a bit to make a good impression and decides that he will work out every morning at 8 am. His house, however, is not really a fan of that and begins subtly trying to sabotage him. Will he accomplish his goal or will he continue to be stuck in his malaise? Check out the finished product and let me know what you think!

Distractions on the Way to a Workout from Terence Johnson on Vimeo.

*There may or may not be a directors cut coming.