Boy the BFCA is something else. The nominations for the Critics Choice Awards were announced today and they were…interesting to say the least. 12 Years a Slave and American Hustle led the field with 13 nominations a piece. I have some thoughts about these noms…

The Good
-The Conjuring being nominated in the Scifi/Horror category. Bout time one of these award shows recognized the greatness of that movie.
-Films that needed a boost like Lee Daniels’ The Butler got it due to the plenty of categories. For the most part they spread the nominations around…

The Bad
-Fast and Furious 6 missing out on action film. Like what?
-There are so many damn categories and yet you never know where a film should place. The Wolf of Wall Street gets nominated for Best Picture, Director and Actor in a comedy…and misses out on top 5 comedy films? How does that work?
-What spell has American Hustle cast on the BFCA to give it 13 nominations? The editing nomination is the one that I really don’t get cause that film has pace and tone problems, things the can be directly attributed to the editing of a film.
-The World’s End is not a good movie and yet there it is with two nominations.
-Are Gravity and Rush really action films?

The Ugly
-This has got to be the most uninspired, boring list of nominees released this awards season. For all that talk about the critics being these discerning group of people, these nominations surely don’t make that clear. I mean they nominated the same films in like every damn category. Worst of all there were no surprises or weird out there choices you might expect from the critics. Instead the went for hive minded, and dare I say Oscar-predictive, with their nominations.