One of these days I’ll learn to edit a film by exactly what the script says and by watching all of the footage. The edit for this film however was not one of those days and made this one of the toughest movies I’ve tried to edit. I asked my friend Fr. Vince to give me his footage at the end of the semester because I liked his movie 30 Day Retreat and wanted to do a take on it. He’s got this Malick like aesthetic that made for a really beautiful film. Turns out trying to edit like Malick is really fucking hard. I mean you can jump cut all you want but if it doesn’t makes sense then the movie falls apart. Taking that into account, and the fact that I wanted more footage of the guy on the retreat and you have for one tough edit. However, I’m really proud of how it turned out. So without further ado, here’s the 30 Day Retreat!

30 Day Retreat from Terence Johnson on Vimeo.