Well it looks like I’m back to recap Looking again and in this second episode of the freshman HBO show, we see the main group of friends dealing with Augustin moving to Oakland, low expectations and the return of a big ex. Let’s dive in!

Augustin (Frankie J. Alvarez): I figured I’d start with Augustin this week since his plot was the least important this week. The episode for him was all about his move to Oakland so that he could live with his boyfriend. Patrick and Dom help him pack and move, but not until they quiz him about the threesome he had last week. Augustin seems to be fine with it, but given his response about what his boo thought, all might not be well in paradise. I like how this show has included some subtle stuff about relationships with this character and the conversation him and Frank had about going out felt painfully real. It’ll be interesting to see how the two of them living together works.

Dom (Murray Bartlett): While Augustin was making moves forwards, it seemed Dom was taking one step forward and two steps back. His one step forward was that he seemed to get his sex mojo back after hooking up with a guy in his building who was on Grindr. This ended with a hilarious scene of the guy singing musical songs incredibly off key in the shower while him and his friend laughed in the other room. However, this was the only positive thing he’d deal with as he ended up talking with his ex whom he hadn’t seen in 8 (!!!) years. Their first meeting seemed to go well enough, with his ex apologizing for his behavior and with only minimal jealousy on Dom’s part. But Dom couldn’t stop thinking about their past and ended up confronting his ex at his work about the $8000 he’d loaned him that hadn’t been payed back. The ex acted like you’d expect, telling Dom that he made a choice to loan that money and he’d have to live with it (bitch). Dom was NOT here for that and basically caused a small scene. I felt really bad that this is where Dom ended up, especially when things seemed to be looking up.

Patrick (Jonathan Groff): Oh Patrick, must you try and fail every week? This episode saw Patrick at his most inherently foolish. Spurned on by a comment Augustin makes about Richie possibly being uncut, he asks the guy out on a date and proceeds to act an incredible fool. WHether it was the thinly veiled hopes that his family would all be from Mexico to the dancing, everything about the date was awkward. Things didn’t get much better when he took Richie home and attempted to sleep with him, while mentioning that he thought he’d be uncut.

Well that through ice on the proceedings and Richie leaves, saying that it seems like they are looking for different things. WELP!

Overall Thoughts: This was an incredibly low-key episode in that not much big happened, but I thought it was nice to see a day in the lives of our characters. The stuff with Dom especially was really great and Patrick, po thang. He just needs to stop trying so hard.

Epiosde Grade: B
MVP: Murray Bartlett

2 thoughts on “Looking Recap Episode 1.02 “Looking for Uncut””

  1. Actually, Ethan told Dom that the $8,000 “wasn’t a loan,” which kind of chapped my ass. Ethan’s part of that conversation was pretty much boilerplate rehab/therapy bullshit.

    Dom boning the old twink was flat-out HILARIOUS.

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