Game of Thrones is back y’all! Yes, after a long year of waiting, we were finally back in Westeros and what a wonderful return it was. The premiere episode was sooo good and I figured I’d jot down some of my thoughts. Idk about doing a traditional recap cause there are a billion different characters so here goes nothing.

-After a heart breaking previously on *cries for Robb and Ned* we see Twyin Lannister taking Ned’s sword, melting it down to two swords and then giving it to Jamie. Now y’all know I love me some shady Tywin but this had me mad as hell. How dare you melt Eddard Stark’s sword!

-This episode wasted no time introducing us to the new character Prince Oberyn aka the Red Viper and chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllleeeee WHEW. I was not expecting the turn of events but apparently he bats for the home team. We first see him picking out girls for his lover but then he turns his attention to the male running the brothel who he tells to take off his clothes. They then have this exchange:

Dude: “Which way do you like it?”
Oberyn: *grabs his junk* “My way”


-However, we soon find out that Oberyn is here to avenge his sisters brutal death via the Mountain via Twyin’s order.

-Cersei gotta be the most trifling chick, treating Jamie like ish cause he wasn’t there. Bitch if you don’t act right…

-I cried laughing at her calling Loras a renowned pillow biter. Where do these people come up with these gay insults????

-Speaking of people who need to act right, is Shae gon whine about Tyrion not slanging her this entire season? Like do she not understand Joffrey and dem want her dead if she’s banging Tyrion? Ma’am I need you to get it together…

-I was so glad Brienne and Jamie got a scene in this episode. They had the BEST interactions last season, hopefully they’ll be in each other’s orbits.

-Speaking of duos I love, The Hound and Arya make the oddest pair and yet they work. Watching them lay waste to those ragamuffins at that tavern was so much fun. As was Arya getting her revenge on that dude who killed her friend. I’m totally here for savage killer Arya >:)

-Jon Snow is gonna have a big role in this season if that showdown with the Night’s Watch council was anything to go by…but more importantly he talked about Robb and I just…