I have been running around a convention center all day and have not had time to properly talk about a lot of the stuff that happened. So lets dive into some trailers for Top Gun, His Dark Materials, and Cats.

Top Gun Maverick

This Top Gun trailer is actually pretty great. It’s got Tom Cruise being himself, doing crazy stunts in the air (which you know he was in that plane doing the upside down tricks), Glenn Powell in another potential homoerotic beach scene, and best of all limited Miles Teller! (I am still trying to convince myself that he’s not in this and didn’t get the part Glenn Powell originally auditioned for. Top Gun is out next year.

His Dark Materials

I enjoyed getting to sit in on the panel for this show as I have professed loving the books forever. Also, our first real look at Iorek Byrnison!



No. Absolutely not.