One episode away from the finale and I cannot recall a show that has run as hot and cold with me as has The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has. Every time I think the show finds a lane, it swerves into a new direction that really frustrated me. This isn’t going to be a review so much as a discussion on one character, Sam.

After having a long conversation about this character with a friend, I have calmed a bit on how I feel about where they’ve taken Sam. I truly feel that it has taken five episodes for Sam to make an impactful decision about where he wants to go. Falcon might be in the title, but it doesn’t feel like Sam is active in his own story to the level the other characters are. He’s being blown about and having things handed to him or handing things to other people, finally in the closing moment choosing to do something on his own. Hell, there’s even a new suit (that’s clearly what’s in the box) that is gifted to him by Bucky on a favor from the Wakandans. 

It’s truly frustrating that we are being asked to watch the story of a man going next level but not quite being as active. It’s like we jump from talking point to talking point with Sam learning things along the way that feel more like didactic talking points for certain viewership to learn about racism. Every single conversation Sam has on this show where race is brought up feels like they are infantilizing Sam. While it is true there are plenty of Black people don’t quite get it, this is a man you are positing to be a major superhero. He’s gotta be better.

Sam Wilson, growing up where he did, having seen the things he’s seen up until this episode, surely would not look Isaiah in the face and tell him the world is different. Why is his world so tough to crack and truly accept what people are saying, in order to form his opinion?

Isaiah is 100% right to say how he feels and that a self-respecting Black probably shouldn’t be Captain America. But Sam is also a guy who fought alongside the OG and was chosen by him to wield the shield. So where do we go from here? Either you now have a Cap who we don’t believe is a self-respecting Black man or will he break free and leave the shield alone? I am interested to see where it goes but please let it be more about Sam’s own volition.

Odds and Ends 

Wyatt Russell has done such an amazing job as John Walker, but I am ready for this guy to move on.  I am sure they have plans for him long term, considering the fan love, but this dude is just an average angry white man, put him out to pasture.

Bucky apologizing to Sam and Sam dragging him about his list was the 2nd best moment of the episode.

I know much of the Flag Smashers stuff was cut due to the pandemic but I do not care about these hoes.

I also do not care about the Power Broker.