Colossal, or How Movies Can Move Past Expectations
Colossal is a movie many people told me not to read much about. When I heard about it playing film festivals all I knew was that Anne Hathaway was playing Continue Reading
The Musings of Terence Johnson
Colossal is a movie many people told me not to read much about. When I heard about it playing film festivals all I knew was that Anne Hathaway was playing Continue Reading
“The shell belongs to them, but not your ghost.” This quote has been pinging around my head since I got home from a screening of what turned out to be Continue Reading
If you guys have seen the movie and stayed passed the credits, there was a scene where the teacher takes roll and the last name called was Tommy Oliver or Continue Reading
Taking the crooked with the straights. That’s the best way to describe what you’ll be doing when you purchase a ticket to go see the new Power Rangers film. More Continue Reading
If you ever need an example of what it means to gild a lily, look no further than the Beauty and the Beast remake that’s out in theaters this week. Continue Reading
Much how I’m sure Martin Scorsese wanted it, I am really struggling with Silence, the film that is a passion project for the director. Silence is a movie about ideas Continue Reading