Never, in all of the history of Teen Wolf, has an episode been so hyped as “Motel California.” We were told it would be dark, make us cry and scream, and is the first episode in 3 seasons to receive a Viewers Discretion tag at the front of it. And man did it live up to the creepiness. Tonight’s episode showed what happens when people stop being polite and start experiencing really creepy shit.

Motel California is known for having the most guest suicides (198 and counting at the beginning of the ep) and we see one in the opening moments of the episode. Turns out an Argent was bit by a werewolf in 1977 The episode opens with a flashback to 1977. Many of you sleuths figured out that the dude was actually an Argent weeks ago but we get full confirmation, just after he shoots himself.

This sets the stage for some crazy ass shit to happen to the rest of our characters. I decided to break their plots down by creepiness going from low to high.

Isaac – My poor baby. Isaac didn’t really have too much suicide-esque drama but he did hear his father’s voice, got locked in a freezer and was all but catatonic when Lydia and Stiles found him under the bed.


Ethan-He would have been higher (or lower) on this list but getting to make out with Danny is a pretty big plus. However, their make out was cut short when Ethan’s body starts doing weird things and faces appear in his abs. He then proceeds to try and cut them out with a hand saw, stopped in the nick of time by Lydia, Stiles, and Allison, not the choice I’d have made but eh.

2 thoughts on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.06 “Motel California””

  1. I’m team Ms. Blake but that magic healing vagina stuff was dumb unless we’re setting her up to be the big bad. And they should have kept it at the hotel and not had Derek in it this week. Or any week.

    Aside from that, BEST EPISODE EVER. I know they’ve got some janky sfx on this show sometimes, but they spend the money they do have wisely. That shot of WHATEVER THE FUCK ABERRATION was in the fire was just as good as the kanima ripping that girl’s throat out last season and totally worth not paying Colton Haynes anymore. Grandpa Argent is the BOSS.

    Also, that flare scene is the best Scott/Stiles scene they’ve ever had on this show. Bout time for Vernon to get a back story. Did Stiles and Lydia not notice that his feet were hanging out of the end of the bathtub? Ya don’t need fire that’s going to burn underwater, guys.

    I love Chris Argent the most.

    Poor bb Isaac.

    I think Deaton is toast.

    Was the vomiting contest winner guy on the bus at the end? Did they forget him or …? That ole lady’s going to have to turn her count up to 199, I guess.

    1. First of all I hate you so much for making me cackle loudly with that colton haynes line LOL

      Man I am on team Ms. Blake but they put her with derek and i just cease to care. I know several people have told me there’s a big payoff and that the relationship seems rushed for a reason, but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch. Like it’s never fun watching characters hit rock bottom and make terrible decisions but Derek has made SO MANY and in such a short time frame that it is painful watching his story with ms blake play out

      But I totally agree, this was one of the best episodes Teen Wolf.

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