In the pantheon of recording artists I’ve listened to in my 24+ years of life, The Civil Wars are one of the few artists that have never made a bad album. I mean not since Destiny’s Child has a group so delivered on their talent like this duo has. Add that to the fact I am convinced that this duo are just the reincarnated souls of slaves cause their songs just feel like modern day Negro spirituals and you have one excited listener. Their newly released album, aptly titled The Civil Wars is another in the line of great LPs that they have released.

Production Value
The Civil Wars are a country group so the strums of a guitar and soaring voices are to be expected, but what got me on this album was how seamlessly the more studio based tracks and the “unplugged” types of songs. It’s a sonically coherent album but each song has it’s own distinct feel. You can’t beat this kind of down home blue grass country music and the album captures that spirit thoroughly.

Lyrical Content
You remember when I said that these felt like modern day Negro spirituals? Every song on this album is just dripping with emotion and the lyrics are just unrepentant. “Oh if I could go back in time when you only held me in my mind just another longing gone without a trace” I mean my word the depth of that statement, and EVERY song has this kind of introspection in the lyrics.

Final Impression
I am over the moon for this album as you might be able to tell. The Civil Wars fully realize their talent with this album and everyone should give it a listen.

Best Track: Devil’s Backbone
Grade: A+