I managed to miss Orphan Black when it was first airing on TV but thanks to the wonders of On Demand I was able to watch all of the episodes in the past two weeks. My goodness is this a great show. It’s scifi without being super technical, the world building and characters are incredibly sharp, and Tatiana Maslany can act her ass off. Needless to say, I’m glad I waited this long to watch the show because the wait won’t be as long for the next season. Today, BBC America dropped the first teaser trailer for the second season of the hit show. Peep it after the jump!

There isn’t much to go on in this trailer more than just seeing our lovable clones’ faces in test tubes, some brief narration by star Maslany and some cool graphics, but we do get a date for the new season, April 19. In addition to this new trailer, there’s been lots of teases from the creators on what we’ll see in the new season and EW recently debuted the first image from the show which you can see below. Anyone else excited for the show to come back?
