Hello lovelies! Did you miss my uber foolish Teen Wolf recaps? *glares until you all nod your head vigorously* I decided to take a week off from doing a weekly recap cause my life was hectic and doing a podcast and a recap on the same day is tough. Luckily there was so much promotional material I was able to get a head start. Let’s dive in shall we.

We open the episode with Deaton Scott and some random guy at the vet’s office. He’s getting his dog bullet looked at. After the dog takes a liking to Scott the guy makes a comment about how it looks like he knows what the alpha is. FORESHADOWING! Meanwhile, Scott and Deaton discover mistletoe in a stool sample from the dog. Ol boy wanders outside into a dark alleyway and ends up getting bitten and taken!

Ms Blake then walks into school and gets creeped out by Derek in her classroom. They talk about being ok and her not saying anything and if they are ok  and how The Crucible is an allegory for McCarthyism and I’m bored now so I’m moving on. Ah where there’s a Derek scene a Stiles on is sure to follow.

Stiles is thoroughly concerned about the fact that virgins and is basically saying that he needs someone to fuck him right now. Derek volunteers as tribute…I mean…Danny jokingly tells Stiles to come over at 9 and that he likes to cuddle, which Stiles doesn’t seem to be too opposed to. This is clearly the first attempt for the show to really address Stiles bisexuality, and they did a good job. I will say that I am refraining from my full opinion on this because while it was a good moment, I’d kind of like Stiles to get his “I’m a bisexual” moment, but this is a great step towards that. This scene is made all the more funny but Coach saying he doesn’t want any fat asses as Keahu and Daniel remove their shirts.


They head outside to begin lacrosse Practice where Isaac foolishly tries to take on the twins. Luckily Scott comes to his aid, punching the shit out of Ethan and they discover another body in the woods. Stiles tries to tell them that it isn’t a werewolf doing the murders and Isaac is like naw bitch its them alpha twins and Stiles is like bitch please and Scott is all don’t make me choose.

7 thoughts on “Teen Wolf Recap: 3.04 “Unleashed””

  1. Hardcore shipping Scallisaac at this point. That English teacher is for sure the one killing all these people. Kali 4 Life. Drop Box for AT&T.

    1. LMAO Derek has been doing the most with the least for a while now…he needs to start using his words and actually keeping his betas in the loop

  2. pretty sure that was the lightning from a storm coming in that scene with Derek. And i think that the slash part was Duce diciplining the twins. as for the mythology scenes, like most ppl probably are im confused and need more explainations .so if there is less dialogue than there is a bigger chance for plot holes. cant have that.

    1. yeah but why did they just take it? They’re alphas and don’t need to get in line for anyone, let alone some blind guy lol and I LOVE the mythology stuff but they just put too much in a short time frame and then wend with something like Darach which the audience knows nothing about at we’re just left confused lol

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