Luckily for us the fight between Jen, the alpha twins and Kali proved as fun as her entrance. Jennifer, emboldened by her sacrifices and having saved her power all this time, manages to stop the twins from transforming into Voltron wolf, ripping them apart mid transformation and throwing them into walls. She battles Kali and manages to get the jump on her. Then like Jean Grey in X-Men 3 she begins telekinetically lifting glass off the ground and when Kali says she should have ripped her head off, she flings the glass pieces at Kali, killing her. This actually mad me sad cause I loved Kali and totally felt like she could have lived but whatevs.


The alpha twins then try it again but it only takes two moves before Jennifer breaks their neck. Good Gaht Damn this was insane. She then has Lydia scream to call Derek back to the apartment. We then get the worst acted scene maybe in Teen Wolf history when Jen is trying to convince Derek to help her. Tyler Hoechlin has never been more wooden and his delivery of the “Stop talking to me like a politician! Stop trying to convince me of your cause!” was so bad I just wanted to die. And then Haley Webb’s delivery back was like they were just reading lines in rehearsal and I just…wow this was so bad. Was that the best they could come up with? Why not have him say “Why are you talking to me like we’re still together?”? How did the poltician line make it through Jeff Davis’ production rewrite? This is too much verbiage dedicated to something that had me blank staring the screen. Anyways, Jen wants Derek to help him but he’s not feeling it telling her he’s not even an alpha (*le sigh*) and is basically 0-life in fights but she manages to recruit him by saying he can help her save Scott.

Other odds and ends before the good stuff: Stiles gets into a car accident, the alpha twins are alive and taken to Deaton, and Scott meets with Deucalion. Also, Isaac hears Chris’ beacon and rushes to find the parents with Allison. They make it but the ground starts to fall and Isaac can barely hold up the beams. Stiles has miraculously recovered from the car crash and runs in with an aluminum bat to help. This plot was kinda whatever so whatever.

One thought on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.12 “Lunar Ellipse””

  1. Thank you for explaining what all of the Derek/Jennifer stuff at the end was about. I didn’t really get how she got weakened. Did she get weakened when she healed Derek earlier in the season? I don’t really know what Jennifer was doing most of this episode. She waited 16 hours to kill those people but Derek is just as good as killing them or …. Eh, not going to try here.

    I thought the end showdown was okaaaaay, but it was kind of symptomatic of how cluttered the plot was this season. Derek and Scott really didn’t have much of an invested interest in Decaulian vs. Ms. Blake either way. Derek could have let her kill the Demon Wolf and it seems like that would have solved a lot of people’s problems. If Decaulian had killed Ms. Blake then, well, the parents are saved & they are back to square one. Maybe if we knew why Decaulian wanted Scott or what his plan was? The Alphas never totally made sense.

    But Jennifer coming through the roof and laying the BEAT on Kali and the twins was A++++. Would have watched that for an hour. I booed when the twins were alive. And then we’re all just going to pretend they aren’t murderers now?

    Who thought it was a good idea to bring Lydia by herself to that loft with a guy who basically assaulted her and then have her hanging around for Kali? Isaac doesn’t want to go with her? Somebody? I don’t think I’d trust that twin THAT MUCH.

    Sad about Jennifer, but at least Teen Wolf finally killed off a villain.

    I like to think Ms. Morell was like, ‘Nuh uh,’ and got the fuck out of Beacon Hills.

    Enjoyed the finale on the whole. Not sure I’ll be back in January. Recent history hasn’t had a great track record of supernatural shows’ season 4s (or 3.5 or w/e they want to call it to not have to pay Daniel Sharman more). But the promise of Allison The Vampire Slayer has me intrigued.

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