We then enter into the crux of the episode. After Scott sends Ms. Blake a message a video message telling her to meet him in the trap cause it’s going down, she shows up at that old shed with Derek in tow. Deucalion basically reads her like a book and then transforms into the Demon Wolf. I know I’ve made fun of the special effects before but I’d sit through all of them all over again just to get this. Seriously the transformation was great. Anyways Jen and Derek take him on and it goes about as well as you’d think, with him tossing both of them like rag dolls. The best part was the look Deucalion gave Jen when she tried her powers and he gave her this supremely shadeful look that was basically him saying.

Anyways, Deucalion manages to subdue Derek and then tries to get Scott to kill Jen. Scott isn’t getting with the program so Duke forces him to turn and drags him over to Jennifer. Scott however tells him that his good friend Gerard told him Duke isn’t always blind and he throws some sparklers on the ground which distracts everyone enough to put them in the lunar eclipse. Duke is worried, as he should be cause he’s now powerless. Then we get the 2nd best moment of the episode when Jennifer as the Darach storms in that fucking shed like she was Beyonce.

She then proceeds to bash Deucalion’s head against the ground but before she can completely kill him Derek tells her that she should allow Duke to see the cost of him having Kali attack her. She then proceeds to heal Duke, giving him his eyesight back so he can get a brief glimpse at the monster. But it also turns her back into Jennifer and Derek runs to comfort her. I almost threw my phone because I thought for sure we were gonna get another awful Doomed scene but instead we hear Derek tell her he knew that healing Duke would weaken her. *record scratch* did a Derek Hale plan just work? for the better? It truly is a new day ladies and gentlemen. Jen is like “aww babe that was a good plan. So how about you kill him?” Derek then tells her that his mother said he might be a preadator and he doesn’t have to be a killer and I just


THIS is the kind of character development and growth I expected to see from Derek this season. It was such a beautiful moment, him invoking his mother’s words and seeming sure of himself for the first time in a long while. Jen basically slaps him around a bit but at that point the eclipse was over.

One thought on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.12 “Lunar Ellipse””

  1. Thank you for explaining what all of the Derek/Jennifer stuff at the end was about. I didn’t really get how she got weakened. Did she get weakened when she healed Derek earlier in the season? I don’t really know what Jennifer was doing most of this episode. She waited 16 hours to kill those people but Derek is just as good as killing them or …. Eh, not going to try here.

    I thought the end showdown was okaaaaay, but it was kind of symptomatic of how cluttered the plot was this season. Derek and Scott really didn’t have much of an invested interest in Decaulian vs. Ms. Blake either way. Derek could have let her kill the Demon Wolf and it seems like that would have solved a lot of people’s problems. If Decaulian had killed Ms. Blake then, well, the parents are saved & they are back to square one. Maybe if we knew why Decaulian wanted Scott or what his plan was? The Alphas never totally made sense.

    But Jennifer coming through the roof and laying the BEAT on Kali and the twins was A++++. Would have watched that for an hour. I booed when the twins were alive. And then we’re all just going to pretend they aren’t murderers now?

    Who thought it was a good idea to bring Lydia by herself to that loft with a guy who basically assaulted her and then have her hanging around for Kali? Isaac doesn’t want to go with her? Somebody? I don’t think I’d trust that twin THAT MUCH.

    Sad about Jennifer, but at least Teen Wolf finally killed off a villain.

    I like to think Ms. Morell was like, ‘Nuh uh,’ and got the fuck out of Beacon Hills.

    Enjoyed the finale on the whole. Not sure I’ll be back in January. Recent history hasn’t had a great track record of supernatural shows’ season 4s (or 3.5 or w/e they want to call it to not have to pay Daniel Sharman more). But the promise of Allison The Vampire Slayer has me intrigued.

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