Ok then…honestly this was such a foolish way to end the episode and I’m kind of sad Jennifer died cause she would have been a fun character to see the next step from as opposed to Peter or Deucalion. Also, going back to Peter as a villain might intrigue me if I had an inkling of what he was up to this first 12 eps outside of that one scene last week. But I guess this was a fitting end to the first half of the season.

-I though the finale brought closure but idk if I feel it was well earned or good. This season was far too messy for a finale that attempted to wrap things up so neatly. I do think we’re set up for an interesting 2nd half of the season.
-I’m also glad this show got back to actually trying to inject humor into the dark situations. I was cracking up a ton, intentionally and unintentionally, at this episode.
-So Scott’s tattoo is similar to rings on a tree that’s still growing? Idk if trees would consider their rings open wounds but…I guess I’ll go with it.
-Speaking of, Scott doesn’t seem to possess incredible inteligence like Stiles or Lydia, so how does he always have these fantastic plans that work out? Like every damn season has had him active in bringing down a big bad with a good plan but we don’t see the genesis of them.
-Are we ever going to find out why Duke wanted Derek and Scott in his pack? And why was Kali so hellbent on killing Derek after she knew Duke did it?
-This has been a great season for Allison so far and I love this character taking charge and wanting to join with the wolves.
-I keep thinking that the last scene with Peter would have worked so much better if that was Deucalion Peter was confronting OR if we saw the color of his eyes. But that would have been asking for plot coherency and we know how that goes…
-Is Teen Wolf gonna become the combination of True Blood and Buffy? The whole beacon deal (Hellmouth) plus bringing back a major well known scenery chewing villain (a la Russell Edgington) and convoluted plots and too many characters and you get the point.

Episode Grade: B
Line of the Night: “It’s like brother against brother. How very American this is.” – Deucalion

One thought on “Teen Wolf Recap 3.12 “Lunar Ellipse””

  1. Thank you for explaining what all of the Derek/Jennifer stuff at the end was about. I didn’t really get how she got weakened. Did she get weakened when she healed Derek earlier in the season? I don’t really know what Jennifer was doing most of this episode. She waited 16 hours to kill those people but Derek is just as good as killing them or …. Eh, not going to try here.

    I thought the end showdown was okaaaaay, but it was kind of symptomatic of how cluttered the plot was this season. Derek and Scott really didn’t have much of an invested interest in Decaulian vs. Ms. Blake either way. Derek could have let her kill the Demon Wolf and it seems like that would have solved a lot of people’s problems. If Decaulian had killed Ms. Blake then, well, the parents are saved & they are back to square one. Maybe if we knew why Decaulian wanted Scott or what his plan was? The Alphas never totally made sense.

    But Jennifer coming through the roof and laying the BEAT on Kali and the twins was A++++. Would have watched that for an hour. I booed when the twins were alive. And then we’re all just going to pretend they aren’t murderers now?

    Who thought it was a good idea to bring Lydia by herself to that loft with a guy who basically assaulted her and then have her hanging around for Kali? Isaac doesn’t want to go with her? Somebody? I don’t think I’d trust that twin THAT MUCH.

    Sad about Jennifer, but at least Teen Wolf finally killed off a villain.

    I like to think Ms. Morell was like, ‘Nuh uh,’ and got the fuck out of Beacon Hills.

    Enjoyed the finale on the whole. Not sure I’ll be back in January. Recent history hasn’t had a great track record of supernatural shows’ season 4s (or 3.5 or w/e they want to call it to not have to pay Daniel Sharman more). But the promise of Allison The Vampire Slayer has me intrigued.

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